LENTCAzT 2021: 44 – Holy Thursday of Holy Week

LENTCAzT 2021: 44 – Holy Thursday of Holy Week

Episode description

For Lent I offer daily 5 minute podcasts.  They are intended to give you a small boost every day, a little encouragement in your own use of this holy season.  The Roman Station today is Saint John Lateran. Today is Holy Thursday in the Triduum. Plan to GO TO CONFESSION!  (While you can.) Fr. Troadec comments on the most important event human history.  Fulton Sheen talks about "the remedy".  We hear the wonderful Benedictines of Gower Abbey who NEED YOUR HELP.  Easter is coming soon!   You got your music for Lent in advance.  How about music for Easter?

Fr. Z’s Blog HERE