PASCHALCAzT 2021: 54 – Low "Quasimodo" Sunday

PASCHALCAzT 2021: 54 – Low "Quasimodo" Sunday

Episode description

For Lent, and now the Octave of Easter, I offer daily 5 minute podcasts.  They are intended to give you a small boost every day, a little encouragement in your own use of this holy season.  This is the final podcast of the series. Today is Sundayt in the Octave of Easter, "Quasimodo Sunday" from the first word of the Introit, "Thomas Sunday" because of the Gospel, "Low Sunday" because we've resolved the Octave, "Divine Mercy Sunday" . The Roman Station is San Pancrazio on the Gianicolo. What sort of progress have we made?  And a question for you.

Fr. Z’s Blog HERE