The Roman Station is San Lorenzo in Lucina. Today Fr. Troadec talks about the encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan Woman at the well of Jacob and the "living water".
Today the Roman Station is at Sts. Cosmas and Damian at the Roman Forum. Fr. Troadec speaks forthrightly about being defensive, harboring resentments and holding grudges.
Today the Roman Station is Santa Pudenziana. It is also the Feast of the Annunciation. We have some notes about the Feast from Card. Schuster. Card. Bacci talks about what make love of God authentic.
Today's Roman Station is San Marco near the Piazza Venezia and Capitoline Hill. Today is the Feast of St. Gabriel the Archangel. Card. Bacci gives us a stern talking to about doing penance along the lines of, "Do it or you will probably go to Hell". He put's it better than that. To help you do penance, I included a little bit of a modernist pipe organ riff on the Lenten chant "Attende Domine".
The Roman Station is at Santi Marcellino e Pietro. Fr. Parsch comments on how the antiphons of the office, based on the Gospel's parable of the Prodigal Son, lines up with our lives. Fr. Troadec remarks on God's tremendous mercy.
The Roman Station is San Vitale once associated with the Order of Widows. We have the insights of Fr. Troadec, who points to the similarities between Joseph son of Jacob of the Old Testament and Christ. There is a good reflection her about how dangerous jealousy is, the sin of envy.
We visit the Basilica of Saint Cecilia today. I have a person connection with this beautiful place. Card. Antonio Bacci gives us a lovely reflection on St. Joseph.
We hear from a sermon of St. Gregory The Great (+604). He put together many of the Mass formularies and traditional practices we use today. He reminds his listeners that they had had very bad times. Now that things were better, the Enemy had to change his approach to ruining souls. At the end, the beginning of an appropriate orchestral piece.
Today's Station is Santa Balbina. However, the Station is being observed these days at San Bartolomeo all'Isola (St. Bartholomew on the Tiber Island). Card. Bacci joins us today to enjoin us to pray. Then we step back to the 2nd century for more about prayer.
Fr. Troadec tells about about true adoption by God. St. Elizabeth of the Trinity whispers a secret.
We hear also the wonderful Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles at Gower Abbey, whose singing is angelic. Two bits herein from their album The Holy Trinity at Ephesus - link to the album is on the blog.
We hear how in the 1st week there are subtle connections concerning mountains, fasting, the Old Testament and the Transfiguration.
Thank you Holy Church for arranging it this way and, thanks also to Fr. Troadec for pointing out some things.
We hear some of the Introit of the Mass today in the Vetus Ordo, of course. Also at the end the rending duetto at the beginning of Pergolesi's Stabat Mater.
Our Roman Station is the Basilica of the 12 Apostles. Here you find the tomb of Pope Clement XIV who suppressed the Jesuits.
There is some discussion of the number 38. I'll tell you why. So, will, indirectly, Fr. Troadec, who talks about patience and resignation in the face of trials.
The Benedictines of Gower Abbey sing to us. Link on the blog.
Today I narrowly escaped doing exactly what I did last year, that is, talk only about the amazing Roman Station church, which is San Lorenzo in Panisperna.
Instead, I've turned again to Fr. Troadec about the faith of the Canaanite woman. I don't recall ever having read this one for these podcasts.
Fr Troadec helps us. Fulton Sheen explains something about "turning the other cheek". A final prayer. Last year at this time we were getting the reflections of Card. Richelieu.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
The Roman Station is St. Peter in Chains on the Oppian Hill.
We hear something of the history of this fascinating and important ancient church and its holdings. Comments about mosaics. Fr. Troadec advises about not having a careless Lent, because there will be consequences.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
The Roman Station is Sant'Agostino "ad Typhonem". We hear again from Fulton Sheen's On The Demonic. I will need several of these podcasts for what I want to hand along from this chapter. Notes about an addition to Mass during Lent.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
The Roman Station is Sts. John and Paul on the Caelian Hill. We hear again from Fulton Sheen's _[On The Demonic](… I will need several podcasts for this chapter.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
The Roman Station is San Giorgio in Velabro, near where St. Sebastian died and where St. John Henry Newman was one the Titular Cardinal. We hear from Fulton Sheen's [_On The Demonic_]( I will need several of these podcasts for what I want to hand along from this chapter.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
A reminder about the Roman Station. Receiving ashes is different in different places. Fr. Troadec gets us started. We hear the beginning of the beautiful chant Immutemur habitu in cinere et cilicio on the way out.
00:13 - Init
01:26 - Beginning of St. Joseph’s Month.
05:18 - News of the Moon, Jesuits and insects
11:47 - Another “red shift” Jesuit scientist (but not a Communist for a change).
18:06 - The Wanderer: “We Must Renew Our Trust In God”
26:29 - Wherein Fr. Z rants
30:29 - Litany of St. Joseph
36:00 - Exit
Today a 10 minutes podcast for your Christmas Octave reflections.
Card. Schuster remarks on the office of bishop. Then Pius Parsch, with the help of St. John Chrysostom, remarks on the office of priest. Card. Bacci comments on what the Infant Jesus wants from us, as we look at Him, and He looks back at us.
Fr. Troadec with a lyrical prayer to the Holy Innocents. Jewish convert and scholar Alfred Edersheim situates the slaughter of the children in the context of salvation history. Card. Bacci slap us around heavily with a reflection on all the hours of our lives and then, finally, that critical final hour on which all depends. Pope Benedict XVI connects the Holy Innocents and Rachel weeping for her children.
Today a 10 minutes podcast for your Christmas Octave reflections.
Card. Bacci tells us about St. John's constancy with Christ and his emphasis on charity. Fulton Sheen recounts the difference between the two miraculous catches of fishes and how John and Peter reacted according to their characters. Fr. Troadec, the Lord's three gifts to John which correspond to the three different states of our Lord while on Earth, life, death and something in between.
Today a 10 minutes podcast for your Christmas Octave reflections.
A note from Fulton Sheen, some history of the celebration of the Feast in the ancient Roman Church, what happened to Stephen and why, what it means for us.
A 10 minute podcast for your Christmas reflection.
Fr. Pius Parsh on the "exaltation" of the "King". Bl. Ildefonso Schuster on the least we should do. Fr. Troadec: "Reestablish the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ!"
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation.
Today, about the December Ember Days as times for ordination, and how "the highest interests of Christian people are bound up, to a great extent, with the holiness of the clergy".
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation.
Today Fr. Troadec gives a highly insightful look into three types of souls, those who long for perfect but have no peace, those who have an unhealthy desire for perfection, and those who can't commit. Also, Card. Bacci addresses the immense gifts God has given for our spiritual lives. Are we grateful?
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation.
Today we hear about a particular element in the depiction of Mary as the Immaculate Conception. Also, Fr. Troadec speaks about how the Lord was prophesied so that He would be recognized when He came.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation
Today we hear from Fr. Troadec about how God is the Just Judge, an appropriate point of reflection for Advent. Also, St. Ambrose speaks about Mary as "type" of the Church.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation
Today, we hear about St. Nicholas of Bari, the origin story of "Santa Claus". Also, what it means for our lives to have certain individual gifts and talents.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation
Today we hear about how we will be judged not by the Father, but by Christ in his humanity, not in His divinity. Also, Card. Bacci explains what healthy and true self-love is and what it isn't.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Advent preparation
Today we hear from Bl. Ildefonso Schuster about how once upon a time verses were sung before the Introit in honor of St. Gregory the Great. Also, Card. Bacci fills us in about life.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Triduum discipline.
The Roman Station is supposed to be St. John Lateran for the Chrism Mass and the Mass of the Last Supper. The final prayer before the beginning of the Triduum.
The Roman Station is supposed to be St. John Lateran for the Chrism Mass and the Mass of the Last Supper.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, I present a summary of how, since Septuagesima, we are being prepared - pruned - in our liturgical rites. Fr. Troadec tells us about the silence of Jesus in His Passion.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, even though the Feast of the Annunciation is transferred, we hear from Fr. Troadec about Mary's "yes". We are also reminded to be resolute about our resolutions.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, I speak about how to participate in and benefit from the sacred mysteries of Holy Week and the Triduum. Fr. Troadec looks into the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, we review the process of pruning we have undergone since Pre-Lent and how the pruning is now going to be seriously stepped up in the Traditional Roman Rite. Also, we hear about Veronica's veil, which is exposed for veneration today in St Peter's Basilica.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, Card. Richelieu gives excellent advice about either not being taken in by outward piety but lack of action or also preferment for the favored of the powerful.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, Pius Parsch helps us with the two resurrection stories in the readings for Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo, explaining that today's Mass seems to be aimed at penitents while tomorrow's, an older formula, is aimed at catechumens. Of course, he relates these to us, our lives, our deaths and resurrections.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, we go back in time to the special rites performed for the ancient catechumens on this day, once the mid-point of Lent. These rites eventually came to be part of a continuous rite of baptism. They included the placing of salt in the mouth, the opening of the ears, and several exorcisms. Today we hear the second of the exorcisms. Last year we heard the first (which I'm sure you remember).
Some time ago, I saw a movie called News of the World in which after the Civil War a former confederate officer earns a meager living by wandering about reading to crowds articles from newspapers he has gathered. People pay a dime a head to listen, which figures to about $2.50. In those days news was scare and many couldn’t read at all, so there was great interest and emotion over the news of the world he brought. The idea of this travelling gazetteer caught my imagination and here I am.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, we connect the OT and NT readings. Fulton Sheen explores the last part of the episode of the Woman Taken In Adultery and what Christ really did.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, we hear the 16th Counsel from Card. Richelieu, in A Treatise on Perfection Saintly Counsel on Obtaining Salvation: Novelty In The Spiritual Life Should Not Be Sought For Its Own Sake. I'll leave you to form your own applications of his wise counsel.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, Card. Richelieu speaks of something dangerous in the spiritual life. Fulton Sheen talks about the efficacy of the synodal ("walking together" process... er um... no, rather... about just talking and not doing.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, I have a little ramble about the 1st readings for Mass today in the Vetus Ordo, the Traditional Latin Mass supplemented by a comment from Bl. Ildefonso Schuster. Then Card. Richelieu wisely counsels us about it not being good enough simply to avoid harming people. That's not enough for the Christian life.
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today, we visit San Pietro in Vaticano. We hear about the thematic progression of the Lenten Ember Days and how the whole 1st week of Lent ties together and culminates with the 2nd Sunday. Card. Richelieu continues to advise us about making progress in the spiritual life. Sound advice!
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today Card. Richelieu gives counsel about the fulfillment of one legitimate duties and responsibilities as having primacy over any other works of piety or charity.
We hear about the special Lenten Oratio super populum at the end of Mass.
At the blog, a video visit to the Roman Station: Sant' Agostino
A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.
Today we talk about the Roman Stations for every day of Lent. We hear about different customs for imposing ashes. The beautiful Emendemus takes us out.
Roman Station: Santa Sabina video by Crux Stationalis
It's 12 February 2024 and it is a Monday, the the day after Quinquagesima Sunday and two days before Ash Wednesday. Here is today's audio "gazette" of Catholic things.
00:12 Init
01:28 Men's Club
05:19 St. Agnes, virgin and martyr
13:00 Card. Richelieu
21:10 Swiss Guard
27:26 Exit